Agentricks RD Software comes with account synchronization feature that automatically fetches accounts and ASLAAS numbers from DOP portal to local database, on behalf of agent. Using the local data, agent can work on latest accounts data.

To make sure that there is always latest data available offline, user should perform account synchronization once in 24 hours. Still there is a guideline provided by developer team that suggests when not to perform account synchronization.
When not to perform account synchronization?
When a user clicks on Sync Now button, Agentricks starts synchronizing accounts. All the accounts in your offline data get updated as per portal’s status. Now if you have prepared schedules/lots/lumps which are not submitted to your Post Office and verification is pending. Please do not synchronize them. Because if you do so, your local data will get updated as per portal’s status that will result into reversal of account status in local data. As a result confusion may arise, regarding which accounts are deposited to post office and which accounts are not.
When to perform synchronization?
So, a good time to Synchronize your accounts with DOP portal is 1st of every month, 16th of every month and the evening of exact day on which you have submitted lots to post office and those are verified by the officials duly signed with stamp. You should take it as a rule for a better management of your agency operations. Have a great time!!!
Smart prompts for synchronization
With reference to the latest updates to Agentricks, as soon as user logs in to Agentricks, software prompts to perform synschronization if it’s not performed in past 24 hours. If you perform the synchronization in morning and re-open Agentricks again on same day, you will not be asked to synchronize accounts. But, yet you can perform synchronization multiple times. There is no limit on number of synchronizations user can perform in a single day.
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